Trucking Accidents
The Morgantown truck accident attorney with you every step of the way
Your Morgantown Truck Accident Attorney in for the Long Haul
Prematurely losing a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing is incredibly difficult. Those left behind are often consumed by grief, constantly wondering, “Why?” As experienced wrongful death lawyers in West Virginia, your Morgantown truck accident attorney at William C. Brewer & Associates is prepared to compassionately guide you through the process of pursuing a serious injury or wrongful death claim against the at-fault party, allowing you to move forward.
Why You Need a Truck Accident Attorney from William C. Brewer & Associates
Fighting for the rights of the injured in WV can keep a Morgantown truck accident attorney busy. The mountain roads of West Virginia (WV) add extra risks and challenges for motor vehicle travel. When big trucks like tractor trailers or coal trucks cause accidents — on mountain highways or straight stretches across level ground — your car or pickup is no match for the force and power behind a big rig. Although large truck crash fatalities have not increased in recent years, the damage to your vehicle can still be extensive, and even that may pale in comparison to the serious injuries sustained by driver and passengers alike.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a West Virginia truck accident, you need an experienced Morgantown truck accident injury attorney to help you fight for the compensation you deserve. At William C. Brewer & Associates, we identify all parties who contributed to the accident to maximize your potential recovery. Depending on your goals, we can help settle your claim so you can move on or take your fight to court, wielding our considerable years of litigation experience for you.
Determining the Cause of WV Truck Accidents
Traveling on West Virginia truck routes means sharing the road with independent day and long-haul truckers, coal and log trucks, and fleet trucks, to name a few. If you’re involved in an accident with a big rig, the driver of the rig involved may not be the only one who contributed to the accident. One or more of the following can play a role in causing an accident:
- Driver
- Truck owner
- Trucking company
- Maintenance personnel or company
- Truck parts manufacturer
- Shipper/loader

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(304) 291-5800
At William C. Brewer & Associates, we investigate your accident in detail to identify all who are potentially involved and take your claim for compensation to all of them.
While identifying all of the potentially culpable parties, we also pinpoint what they did or didn’t do that makes them responsible. Accidents can happen, but too often big truck accidents can be traced to preventable errors or negligence. The cause of your truck accident could be traced to conduct like the following:
Driving Error
Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medication
Negligent hiring by the truck owner or trucking company
Improper or falsified truck maintenance
Trucking safety violations of federal regulations
(Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) or state laws and regulations (such as training requirements, limits on hours of service, and inspections)
How a West Virginia Truck Accident Impacts Your Life
In addition to investigating the details of the crash, we also work with you to identify all the ways you were harmed — or could be harmed in the future — by the accident. With compassion for your situation, we understand that you may have been injured in more than one way:
Injury or death of other occupants of the vehicle
Property damage
Lost income
Emotional distress and/or pain and suffering
When you suffer losses due to someone else’s negligence or fault, the law gives you a right to be compensated. The Morgantown truck accident injury attorneys know how to interpret the various state and federal laws that may apply to your case, investigate and collect evidence on your behalf, and take all of the steps necessary to obtain a settlement or judgment that reflects the full magnitude of your losses.
How a Morgantown Truck Accident Attorney at
William C. Brewer & Associates, PLLC Can Help
We are first and foremost litigation attorneys. As such, we have dedicated our practice to fighting to protect the rights of our fellow West Virginians and right wrongs that have been done. From decades in practice, we have honed our litigation skills to give our clients a no-nonsense fight with compassionate handling.
We are hands-on attorneys, working closely with clients throughout West Virginia to investigate and prepare claims for compensation to make them as whole as possible. We have access to esteemed experts who can help demonstrate to the court the cause of your accident, the extent of your property loss, and, most significantly, the nature and impact of the injuries you sustained.
Don’t let a West Virginia truck accident completely derail you. You deserve help from an experienced Morgantown truck accident attorney who will fight for compensation for you. For a free consultation, call William C. Brewer & Associates, PLLC at (304) 291-5800 or complete our online contact form.