Morgantown is rich with mountains, rivers, forests, and lakes. You can take Interstate 68 to scenic Coopers Rock State Forest overlooking Cheat River Canyon, farther west at Cheat Lake, or on down to Dorseys Knob Park to see some of the most beautiful highways and views in the US. These same highways can also prove to be dangerous if you find yourself involved in a truck accident in West Virginia (WV). After getting medical attention, call a Morgantown truck accident lawyer at William C. Brewer & Associates, PLLC.
After an accident there is a swirl of confusion. Is everyone okay? There is an anxious waiting for emergency first responders to show up. You’ll have to answer a slew of questions when the first responders get there. Rides to the hospital can be traumatic. Accident reports need to be filled out. And you’re answering questions and providing information in a haze of confusion and disbelief that this is happening. A Morgantown truck accident attorney from William C. Brewer & Associates, PLLC can help you navigate these and other questions and protect your rights.
Why You Need a Morgantown Truck Accident Lawyer from William C. Brewer & Associates
One moment you’re heading out on your day trip to stroll along the river, or heading up to a scenic mountain park to do some hiking, and BAM! It’s unexpected, shocking, and terrifying. A truck driver swerved, or was following too closely, was impaired, or had faulty brakes when descending the mountain toward Cheat Lake and caused an accident. You won’t know the cause of the accident until there is a proper investigation.
A truck accident in West Virginia can be caused by several different circumstances. When you can show that the cause is due to someone else’s conduct, materials, or negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. But proving the root cause of WV truck accidents requires discovery, a process to obtain accident reports, accident analysis, and information from the potential defendants, the trucking company and the truck driver. When you work with William C. Brewer & Associates, you benefit from the experience gained by a Morgantown truck accident lawyer who know the ropes and can help you prepare and pursue your claim for compensation.
Most Common Trucking Safety Violations in WV
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the most common violations by commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operators include:
- Using hand-held mobile devices while operating a commercial motor vehicle
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Driving while in the possession of intoxicating beverages
- Failing to secure the vehicle equipment or load
- Failing to conduct a pre-trip inspection
- Failing to use or improperly using warning devices
- Moving violations
Moving violations can include actions such as speeding, following too closely, reckless driving, failure to yield, and failure to obey traffic lights.
These violations can prove to be severely damaging and even deadly if they result in a truck accident in West Virginia.
These are just some of the possible causes of a truck accident; several other factors can expose an error on the CMV driver’s part or the trucking company’s responsibility to maintain the vehicles. Regardless of where your accident occurred in the state, the best way to get to the bottom of what caused an accident is to connect a Morgantown truck accident lawyer from William C. Brewer & Associates to thoroughly investigate your claim.
Life After a Truck Accident in West Virginia
The stress of being involved in a truck accident goes well beyond the day of the accident itself. There are so many factors to consider in determining the full extent of the accident’s impact both in the near term and in the distant future.
Of course, in the immediacy of it all, your focus is on getting back to being healthy and healing any injuries you sustained. You may need to focus on follow-up care after the accident. Sometimes multiple doctors’ visits are required, and you may need to see specialists. There could be some incredibly painful physical therapy involved.
After the hospitalizations, the surgeries, the doctor office visits, the physical therapy, and all the other appointments, the medical bills will start rolling in. The financial stress and burdens of a truck accident in WV can be more than overwhelming. They can be downright debilitating. The stress of paying medical bills, on top of your regular bills, especially if you have had to take time off of work, can be worse than the stress of trying to heal from the injuries caused by the accident. That’s why you need to call William C. Brewer & Associates for a truck accident attorney in Morgantown to handle your legal claim and free you to heal.
What Can You Do Next?
The first thing you should do is focus on regaining your health. Work with your team of physicians and medical providers to do what is best for you to get to the fullest recovery that possible. You also need to protect your right to compensation. As soon as possible after the accident, before you talk to insurance companies, contact a Morgantown truck accident lawyer at William C. Brewer & Associates, PLLC. We will be your team to help you navigate your recovery from the financial damages, any permanent damages, and any future damages you may incur as a result of a truck accident in West Virginia. Contact us today to schedule a meeting by calling (304) 291-5800 or completing our online contact form. Just as your medical providers will work to get your physically whole, we will partner with you to make you financially whole after an accident.